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Vision and Mission


"All to all in faith and learning"



St Paul's Moss Vale is a Catholic community that respects the dignity of all and strives to provide a quality learning environment focused on the life of Jesus.

From St Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians 9:22: “I become all things to all people so I may save people by whatever means are possible.”

A dynamic faith centred in Jesus Christ and expressed in lived relationship, prayer, liturgy, information and social action.

Transformative learning that is authentic, purpose-filled, intellectually rigorous and leads to growth in wisdom.

Bubbles can be large or small, different shapes and multiple colours. As a sphere the bubbles hold our values, as they disperse, the bubbles carry our values to all the community. We become alive and dynamic in faith and learning together.

Represents all people of our school who, with God’s grace, are willing to take a risk and grow in faith and learning.

Our St Paul’s community is enriched by the influence of Indigenous life and culture. The plants symbolise the healing power of Jesus. Just as the bracken fern root rubbed on the ant sting will reduce pain, the forgiveness of Jesus will reduce our anxiety and help us to show forgiveness towards others.



In the spirit of Saint Paul the Apostle the staff of the school will continue to provide a Catholic learning environment that:

  • Embraces Jesus and the Catholic faith as the heart of our school community, sharing in the evangelising mission of the Church with parents and the parish;
  • Celebrates being Catholic in our parish school, striving to make faith relevant to daily life and being aware of the challenges facing the Church today and in the future;
  • Nurtures the spiritual formation and well being of students and staff; 
  • Engages with social justice issues, by responding to the needs of others, exercising compassion and being environmental stewards;
  • Enables the students to live a well-balanced, healthy and meaningful life within an active partnership between home, parish, school and wider community;
  • Allows the individual to relate positively to others, where the inherent dignity and respect of all people is valued and protected;
  • Promotes the achievement of personal best for each individual;
  • Equips each student with the skills to be a life-long learner;
  • Delivers an innovative and engaging pedagogy that includes collaborative planning, creative critical thinking, problem solving, enjoyment, contemporary resources, assessment and sound progression;
  • Uses data about school and student performance to inform parents and governing bodies and to improve learning and teaching; and
  • Engages in leadership opportunities, professional development, good management and continuous improvement of school facilities and processes.