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What We Offer

St Paul’s Catholic Parish Primary School, Moss Vale is a vibrant Catholic co-educational primary school committed to every student finding meaning and purpose through continual growth in faith and improvement in learning.

At St Paul's, we offer a caring school community where our students feel safe and supported to be successful, lifelong learners. We ensure every student is provided with quality learning experiences that engage, nurture and encourage them to thrive.

Here's a little about what you and your child can expect at St Paul's. Enrol now here or contact us for more information.

A Catholic community of faith and learning

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St Paul’s offers a Catholic education drawing on the rich Dominican charism of our school’s founders. We value community life, common prayer, study and service. We work closely with our parish priest to ensure our children experience an authentic experience of Catholic community centred on the person of Jesus. We celebrate our faith with daily whole school prayer, regular Masses and liturgies.  As a faith community, we value faith in action and aim to make a difference in the lives of others through all that we do.

Enhanced student learning experiences

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Our school is proud to have a dedicated, professional teaching and support staff who work diligently to develop the learning potential of all students entrusted to our care. We aim to create successful, lifelong learners.

Our students engage in quality learning and teaching experiences each day, where they are challenged and encouraged at their own levels of proximal development. Students are supported with their diverse learning needs and with flexible learning opportunities, including a range of modelled, guided and independent learning options. We also offer enhanced experiences in Science, Technology, Mathematics and Engineering (STEM) with an emphasis on robotics.

We have a range of exciting co-curricular activities available for students to further their interests. This includes our audio visual group who develop their technical skills through making films and stop motion animations; and our successful drama and music group, who participate in experiences such as Wakakirri – a national creative storytelling, performance and staging competition where students create, stage, costume and perform a theatrical piece.

Nurturing development in a safe and caring community

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At St Paul's, we want all our children to feel safe and supported at school. We believe that is how they will best learn and thrive. We care about the developing the whole person and believe that this is best achieved within a safe, caring community. We give special focus to social and emotional wellbeing – holistically promoting the growth and development of our students as individuals, in relationship with others and within our community.

In working towards this goal, our school has a comprehensive Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) framework that seeks to both affirm and define our school’s behavioural and relational expectations. Children are publicly acknowledged and affirmed for their positive behaviour and citizenship.

To help our students make a smooth transition to school life, we conduct a valuable Transition to Kindergarten playgroup program each year for the incoming Kindergarten class, and each child is assigned a Year 6 'Big Buddy'. This relationship is maintained throughout the whole year. Our Year 6 students also have the opportunity to give service to our school community through participation in student leadership.

A welcoming school community

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St Paul’s is a welcoming and inclusive community. While we have strong ties to the wider community and a rich history, we welcome many new families from many backgrounds and cultures to our school. We are proud of our diversity.

We enjoy a close relationship with our parish, participating in parish liturgies and events. Our Parents and Friends (P&F) Association works closely with the school to host events, working bees and to raise money to support the children’s learning resources.

Effective use of technology in the classroom

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We see technology as an important learning tool at St Paul's. We believe we need to teach children to be critical, responsible and effective users of technology as opposed to passive consumers. As such, we integrate the use of Information, Communication and Learning Technologies (ICLT) into daily classroom practice in a manner which allows students to interact with technology as a regular part of the learning process.  

As part of this philosophy, St Paul’s offers a 1:1 iPad Program for our Years 3 – 6 students. The school manages the iPads with the capacity to limit screen time at both school and home. All apps are installed and managed by the school. The devices are sold to families  as part of their school resource fee and paid off over two years.

We also maintain a fleet of school iPads for shared use by our younger K-2 children for select purposes.

Promoting a sense of social justice and social awareness

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Our school community believes that, as people of faith, we have a responsibility to reach out and try to make our world more just and more kind just as Jesus asks of us. Our Mini Vinnies group, our stewardship and environmental efforts, and other community involvement and outreach, are all aimed at teaching our children that we can all make a difference.

Our environment group cares for our school vegetable gardens and chickens, as well as working to reduce our environmental footprint through recycling and waste reduction activities. We also have 'Tidy Tuesday' each week, where we aim to have zero waste with no food packaging. 

A quality affordable Catholic education

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At St Paul's, we strive to keep fees as low as possible so that more families can choose a Catholic education for their children. In keeping with Gospel values, no child is refused a Catholic education at our school due to financial inability or difficulty. New or existing parents who find themselves in this situation are encouraged to discuss fee concessions with our school principal, who will treat the situation with understanding, sensitivity and confidentiality. It is the expectation that families with the capacity to contribute do so, so that our schools can maintain the high quality of education that Catholic education is known for and our families expect.

Ready to Enrol?

Interested in enrolling at St Paul's or finding out more information?
We look forward to hearing from you!