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Online Safety & Anti-Bullying Support

At St Paul's Catholic Primary School, we believe that all members of the community have the right to a learning and working environment free from intimidation, humiliation and harm. We all share a responsibility to create a culture of caring which will not tolerate bullying. View our useful links and resources below.

Pastoral care in Catholic schools clearly places an emphasis on social justice, relationships and the dignity and well being of all members of the school community. This is central to our belief as Christians. It is vital that all the community work together to create a safe, supportive environment in which all children can grow and thrive.

We believe that bullying must be taken seriously and is not acceptable in any form – including cyber-bullying, a growing concern for parents, carers and educators. In witnessing Christian values we reject ideas, beliefs and behaviours, which marginalise or victimise people.

Students learn best when they feel safe and valued. At St Paul’s we aim to:

  • develop a school culture of concern, trust and support where students feel safe;
  • develop social skills and strategies in response to bullying on a whole school level;
  • reduce the amount of bullying;
  • utilise peers in the prevention of bullying;
  • identify and support children who have become targets of bullying;
  • work with students who have displayed bullying behaviour through intervention, and developing skills of cooperation; and
  • work in partnership with parents at all times.

View the Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong (CEDoW) Social Media Policy and CEDoW Social Media Statement and Standards, which outline expectations around CEDoW student, staff and parent/community use of social media. In the context of creating vibrant Catholic school communities of faith and learning, users of social media are required to manage their digital footprint by interacting responsibly and ethically, in line with our Catholic ethos, respecting the dignity of all involved.

Students and parents/carers are also required to sign the CEDoW Student Responsible Use of Technology Agreement at the commencement of each year.


At St Paul's, students participate in learning experiences that focus on being responsible and ethical users of technology.

Teachers use a range of resources developed by the Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong, Australian Communications and Media Authority, Office of the eSafety Commissioner and other online safety organisations to assist in the ongoing education of our students in being safe and responsible digital citizens.

The CEDoW Digital Citizenship Program Site provides a program of resources for our students on digital citizenship.